Deciphering Complex Disorders by Investigating the Role of Brain-Immune-Gut Interaction
Our research team uses a multidisciplinary approach that includes proteomics, immunology, and microbiology to understand complex disorders affecting the gastrointestinal and nervous systems. Our work is aimed at identifying novel diagnostic biomarkers, understanding disease mechanism, and finding therapeutic targets.
For more about our research, click here.
- January 2024—FUNDING NEWS: We’ve been awarded a research grant for a “study of gut permeability and inflammation in food sensitivity”. Congrats and thanks to everyone involved in this project!
- October 19, 2023—Dr. Alaedini delivered a talk at NIH on the gut-immune-metabolic interplay in ME/CFS.
- June 15, 2023—Dr. Alaedini appeared on Science Friday, hosted by Ira Flatow, on National Public Radio (NPR).
- June 2023—Our lab’s newly published study in the journal Brain Behavior & Immunity-H demonstrates how gastrointestinal, immune, and metabolic defects are linked and play a role in chronic fatigue syndrome. Congrats to first authors, Dr. Melanie Uhde and Alyssa Indart.
- January 2024—FUNDING NEWS: We’ve been awarded a research grant on “molecular triggers of non-celiac wheat sensitivity”. Congrats and thanks to everyone involved in this project!
- Dr. Alaedini is selected as Chair of the ME/CFS Biospecimen Resource Access Committee (BRAC) of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
- Dr. Alaedini has become a standing member of the Neurobiology of Pain (NPI) Study Section at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
- Our new findings on subclass specificity and evolution of B cell response in gluten sensitivity have been published in the top GI journal Gastroenterology.
- Dr. Alaedini was on the BBC News program “The Food Chain” to talk about wheat sensitivity.
- Dr. Alaedini discusses Lyme disease in an interview with TBS eFM.
- February 2019 issue of Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News reported on use of high resolution immune mapping to study complex disorders by our research team.
- The May 2018 issue of SCIENCE has a major story featuring research from our lab on the immunologic aspects of food sensitivity.
- May 2017 issue of Popular Mechanics discusses technology
used in the our laboratory to study infectious disease.
- Armin Alaedini has been selected as a Tsunoda Senior Fellow for collaborative studies with Waseda University in Japan on the combinatory effects of gut microbiota and dietary molecules on intestinal barrier function.
- Our study reaches top 0.01% of all research publications in Altmetric Attention Score, while becoming #1 article among all publications from the high profile journal Gut.
- For more on media coverage of our research, click here.